Call for Entries - film & media festival in Portugal
OPEN CALL - Porto/Post/Doc : Film & Media Festival!
Porto, die zweitgrößte Stadt des Landes und Portugals heimliche Hauptstadt, liegt am Douro vor dessen Mündung in den Atlantischen Ozean und ist Namensgeber für das ganze Land.
Mit einer eigenen Identität einerseits, aber auch der Notwendigkeit eines regelmäßigen und häufigen internationalen Dokumentarfilm-Programms anderseits, will man in Porto mehr nationale und internationale Kinokunst mit preisgekrönten Filmen renommierter Autoren zeigen. Grundpfeiler des monatlichen Filmprogramms in Porto ist das Porto/Post/Doc: Film & Media Festival, das vom dem 1.-8. Dezember 2015 zum zweiten Mal stattfinden wird.
Die Idee des Festivals stammt von einem kulturellen Kollektiv, das mehrere Menschen verschiedener Altersgruppen, Berufe und Qualifikationen vereint, die alle eine besondere Leidenschaft für das Kino mitbringen. Ziel der Gruppe ist es wieder mehr Publikum in die Kinos zu bringen, die lokalen Kino-Produktion zu fördern und ein Internationales Kino-Festival, mit besonderem Schwerpunkt auf Dokumentarfilm in Porto zu etablieren.
Vor allem jungen Filmemachern unter 35 Jahren soll das Festival ein Forum bieten.
From December 1st to the 8th, Porto’s downtown will live and breathe cinema: Porto/Post/Doc Festival will return, occupying the Teatro Municipal Rivoli, Cinema Passos Manuel and Maus Hábitos – Espaço de Intervenção Cultural. During this intense cultural week the Festival will be a meeting point for creators, audience and cinema professionals that will celebrate and promote documentaries, including them within the new hybrid forms of contemporary cinema.
The main section of the festival is the Competition, integrated in an eclectic and vast programme that includes section like “Transmission” (a programme dedicated to music) or the Forum of the Real (with debates and talks featuring film experts, scholars and authors). This Festival takes places at Porto’s downtown, an historic city, currently living a vibrant period of social activity, tourism and nightlife. In addition, because the effervescent cultural initiatives in Porto are increasingly gaining national and international projection, Porto / Post / Doc wants to make the city a must on the European cinema circuit. In this second edition, Port / Post / Doc celebrates youth and pop culture with a special section titled "Teenage", which will attract younger audiences and further extend the scope of its programming.
In this context, Porto/Post/Doc now opens registrations for its competition and parallel sections. We are looking for documentaries with over 50 minutes, from various origins and themes. We favour documentaries with an artistic vision and creative approach on the reality, especially works that are in the border between documentary and fictional cinema. Besides the International Competition, the received documentaries may be considered for other programs of the Festival. This Open Call starts in March 1st and will be running until August 30th 2015 and the festival’s selection committee will evaluate all the films submitted. Only films concluded in 2014 and 2015 will be considered. The terms and conditions are available here.
From the 1st until the 8th of December the selected films for the Competition will be screened twice at the Teatro Municipal Rivoli, Porto, so the audience has two opportunities to watch the whole Competition. A jury composed by five elements, that will be announced soon, will decide what films will be rewarded with the Great Prize Porto/Post/Doc for the best film and with the Emerging Artist Award for Best Director under 35 years of age.
If you have any questions please contact:
Phone: +351 918 736 930
Porto, die zweitgrößte Stadt des Landes und Portugals heimliche Hauptstadt, liegt am Douro vor dessen Mündung in den Atlantischen Ozean und ist Namensgeber für das ganze Land.
Mit einer eigenen Identität einerseits, aber auch der Notwendigkeit eines regelmäßigen und häufigen internationalen Dokumentarfilm-Programms anderseits, will man in Porto mehr nationale und internationale Kinokunst mit preisgekrönten Filmen renommierter Autoren zeigen. Grundpfeiler des monatlichen Filmprogramms in Porto ist das Porto/Post/Doc: Film & Media Festival, das vom dem 1.-8. Dezember 2015 zum zweiten Mal stattfinden wird.
Die Idee des Festivals stammt von einem kulturellen Kollektiv, das mehrere Menschen verschiedener Altersgruppen, Berufe und Qualifikationen vereint, die alle eine besondere Leidenschaft für das Kino mitbringen. Ziel der Gruppe ist es wieder mehr Publikum in die Kinos zu bringen, die lokalen Kino-Produktion zu fördern und ein Internationales Kino-Festival, mit besonderem Schwerpunkt auf Dokumentarfilm in Porto zu etablieren.
Vor allem jungen Filmemachern unter 35 Jahren soll das Festival ein Forum bieten.
Submission are open for the 2nd edition of
Porto/Post/Doc : Film & Media Festival!
More info at
Deadline: 2015 August 31st
Porto/Post/Doc holds an Open Call looking for new documentaries for the 2nd edition of the Festival!
From December 1st to the 8th, Porto’s downtown will live and breathe cinema: Porto/Post/Doc Festival will return, occupying the Teatro Municipal Rivoli, Cinema Passos Manuel and Maus Hábitos – Espaço de Intervenção Cultural. During this intense cultural week the Festival will be a meeting point for creators, audience and cinema professionals that will celebrate and promote documentaries, including them within the new hybrid forms of contemporary cinema.
The main section of the festival is the Competition, integrated in an eclectic and vast programme that includes section like “Transmission” (a programme dedicated to music) or the Forum of the Real (with debates and talks featuring film experts, scholars and authors). This Festival takes places at Porto’s downtown, an historic city, currently living a vibrant period of social activity, tourism and nightlife. In addition, because the effervescent cultural initiatives in Porto are increasingly gaining national and international projection, Porto / Post / Doc wants to make the city a must on the European cinema circuit. In this second edition, Port / Post / Doc celebrates youth and pop culture with a special section titled "Teenage", which will attract younger audiences and further extend the scope of its programming.
In this context, Porto/Post/Doc now opens registrations for its competition and parallel sections. We are looking for documentaries with over 50 minutes, from various origins and themes. We favour documentaries with an artistic vision and creative approach on the reality, especially works that are in the border between documentary and fictional cinema. Besides the International Competition, the received documentaries may be considered for other programs of the Festival. This Open Call starts in March 1st and will be running until August 30th 2015 and the festival’s selection committee will evaluate all the films submitted. Only films concluded in 2014 and 2015 will be considered. The terms and conditions are available here.
From the 1st until the 8th of December the selected films for the Competition will be screened twice at the Teatro Municipal Rivoli, Porto, so the audience has two opportunities to watch the whole Competition. A jury composed by five elements, that will be announced soon, will decide what films will be rewarded with the Great Prize Porto/Post/Doc for the best film and with the Emerging Artist Award for Best Director under 35 years of age.
If you have any questions please contact:
Phone: +351 918 736 930
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